Wheelchair Basketball

Our basketball team is called the Rocket City Rockets. The Rockets compete in the Junior Prep and Junior Varsity division of the National Wheelchair Basketball Association (NWBA).

Junior Prep - Ages 5-12

Junior Varsity - Ages 13-18

The Rockets travel all over the U.S. competing in tournaments to qualify for the NWBA National Tournament to compete for the NWBA Championship.

Who is Eligible?

Those with spinal cord injuries, amputations, cerebral palsy, spina bifida or any other disability which affects lower limbs are eligible for wheelchair basketball. One does NOT have to use a wheelchair as their main form of mobility to play. Many players have the ability to walk.

*Players must be able to propel/push wheelchair down basketball court.*

For further information and to learn more on eligibility, we recommend you visit the NWBA website by clicking learn more to find out if you, your child, or someone you may know would be eligible to participate in wheelchair basketball per NWBA eligibility rules.

Join the Rocket City Rockets team today!

To Learn More or for Practice Dates/Times Contact:

Head Coach Chase Woods (256) 503-2698 or email us at rocketcityadapted@gmail.com